"Take me a ride"
said the ant to the bee..
"take me up high
in the sky so i'll see"
"but we've been there & back
said the bee with a frown..
"the last time i took you
you begged to come down.."
"this time i will do it"
said the ant to the bee
"I'm ready to fly
don't ya worry about me"
So on climbed the ant
as they flew in the air..
and the ant got a bee's
eye view from up there..
But the bee had to get
back to working again..
as he landed the Ant
said "i'm thankful i am"
"i'll be there for you when
you need me dear friend.
I'll re-pay you this ride
when i come back again.."
The bee felt so cool,
as he buzzed all around.
and he told the story
to every bug that he found..
Soon a Butterfly came
& she seemed all amused..
so the bugs said "please tell us
what has you so confused..."
"You silly old bugs"
said the bold butterfly
I've hauled 200 aunts
on A two hour fly..
they always thank me
for their time in the sky
it's payment to bury
My wings when I die..